TRYING Synonyms: 139 Similar and Opposite Words

I did not think to add, because I’d lost track of this truth myself by then, that opinion journalism that never causes pain is not journalism. Instead, people wanted to vent and achieve what they considered to be justice, whether through Twitter, Slack, the union or the news pages themselves. That first night after the op-ed was published, when I called Baquet, his sage advice was to say nothing. He thought we needed to say something that night explaining why we chose to publish the piece, and so we kept heaping more logs on the fire.

  • He understood better than anyone what it would take for them to succeed at the Times.
  • I told Rubenstein to make sure that this link was removed.
  • I suppose there might be lessons for someone interested in how not to manage a corporate crisis.
  • They had solicited questions in advance, and I got a glimpse at the list only as the company-wide meeting was about to start.
  • Times staff were saying that Rubenstein had been the sole editor of the op-ed.

By creating a brand community, your business can encourage engagement, offer support, and promote word-of-mouth marketing to grow your business. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to build an effective brand community–along with some examples to inspire you. As he asserts the independence of Times journalism, Sulzberger is finding it necessary to reach back several years to another piece I chose to run, for proof that the Times remains willing to publish views that might offend its staff.

Step Guide to Building a Brand Community (+Real-World Examples)

The paradox is that in previous generations the Sulzbergers’ control was the bulwark of the paper’s independence. That confession read like throat-clearing before his lengthy exposition of “independent journalism”, and it is right for people to be aware of the blinders and biases created by their upbringing. But if he is going to instil the principles he believes in, he needs to stop worrying so much about his powers of persuasion, and start using the power he is so lucky to have. In my experience he was even harder on black and brown reporters than he was on us white people. He understood better than anyone what it would take for them to succeed at the Times. “The Times was a place where blacks felt they had to convince their white peers that they were good enough to be there,” he wrote in his heartbreaking memoir, published posthumously.

  • Cotton had accidentally left some words from a legal opinion in quotation marks that he should have put in his own voice.
  • It would be reasonable now for all of us – me, Sulzberger, the journalists who were declaring their fright on Twitter – to look back, shake our heads and say that was a crazy time, and we all made some mistakes.
  • But the other newsroom columnists, and the critics, read as passionate progressives.
  • Sulzberger’s father, also an Arthur Sulzberger, asked me to return to the Times as editorial-page editor.
  • 🎯 Brand communities work best as part of an interconnected marketing strategy.

But the department’s journalism was consumed with politics and foreign affairs in an era when readers were also fascinated by changes in technology, business, science and culture. And, like Cotton’s piece, the 1619 Project was presented in a way the Times later judged to be too provocative. The Times declared that the 1619 Project “aims to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding”. That bold statement – a declaration of Times fact, not opinion, since it came from the newsroom – outraged many Americans who venerated 1776 as the founding. The Times later stealthily erased it from the digital version of the project, but was caught doing so by a writer for the publication Quillette. Sulzberger told me during the initial uproar that the top editors in the newsroom – not just Baquet but his deputy – had not reviewed the audacious statement of purpose, one of the biggest editorial claims the paper has ever made.

Other words from try

The relentless struggle against biases and preconceptions, rather than the achievement of a superhuman objective omniscience, is what mattered. As everyone knows, the internet knocked the industry off its foundations. Local newspapers were the proving ground between college campuses and national newsrooms. As they disintegrated, the national news media lost a source of seasoned reporters and many Americans lost a journalism whose truth they could verify with their own eyes. As the country became more polarised, the national media followed the money by serving partisan audiences the versions of reality they preferred.

Some words similar to “try”

But I meant it, and I wish I’d pursued my point and talked myself out of the job. This contest over control of opinion journalism within the Times was not just a bureaucratic turf battle (though it was that, too). The newsroom’s embrace of opinion journalism has compromised the Times’s independence, misled its readers and fostered a culture of intolerance and conformity. To be more valued by their peers and their contacts – and hold sway over their bosses – they need a lot of followers in social media.

Words Nearby trying

As I realised how different the new Times had become from the old one that trained me, I began to think of myself not as a benighted veteran on a remote island, but as Rip Van Winkle. I had left one newspaper, had a pleasant dream for ten years, and returned to a place I barely recognised. The new New York Times was the product of two shocks – sudden collapse, and then sudden success. The paper almost went bankrupt during the financial crisis, and the ensuing panic provoked a crisis of confidence among its leaders.

Understanding the distinct makeup and preferences of your brand community can allow for hyper-personalized experiences. For instance, a fashion brand’s community can offer its members the opportunity to create their own designs, shop from exclusive designer lines based on their likes, and watch behind-the-scenes videos for upcoming collections. Whether you embed it as part of your marketing department or hire dedicated community managers, ensure clear accountability and responsibility. Choose individuals aligned with your brand values because they will actively shape brand perceptions and handle feedback. Building a brand community is more than just setting up a platform.

I had agreed to take the rare step of posting an “Editor’s Note” on the Cotton op-ed describing what was supposedly wrong with it, and the publisher had asked a newsroom editor to draft it for him. Although I had urged Dao to come up with “process” criticisms, I tried to insist, as did Dao, that the note make clear the Cotton piece was within our editorial bounds. Sulzberger said he felt the Times could afford to be “silent” on that question.

We won two Pulitzer prizes in four years – as many as the department had in the previous 20. Ensure your brand community aligns with your business goals and customer satisfaction criteria. Word-of-mouth and organic sharing within the community can significantly reduce the need for traditional marketing expenses. Community members become micro brand ambassadors, often promoting products and services without direct incentive.
